Thursday, September 13, 2012

Project for September 18 (20)

Miss Rachel's Capelet Ensemble:

Next week's Project materials:

Cape: 1 piece lining fabric, 1 piece out fabric Each should measure at least 9 inches X 15 inches
Shirt: easily made from 1 outgrown shirt or  1/3 yard knit fabric
Skirt: 1/4 yard fabric (or 1 fat quarter!)

Thread to match
This will likely be a 2 week project because we will cut from a pattern (students will get a copy of patterns to keep)
As usual girls are welcome to my ample scrap collection. But also think about using cast off clothing or linens.
Velcro, and elastic will be provided

In order to plan ahead:
The circle poncho (in lower post) will require:

1 1/2 yards laminated cotton and 2 yards lining fabric (flannel or quilting cotton reccomended)
1 "largish" button as pictured

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sew Much Fun!

Welcome to Summer Sewing DAZE
2021 Ardsley Street
Winston Salem, NC 27103

Kids Classes
Tuesdays:  12:45-2:45 (2 spaces available)
Thursday:  4:15-5:45  (2 Spaces available)

Women's Sewing Workshop: Every Other Wednesday 7:15-9:30ish (unlimited class size!)
9/12, 9/26,

Kids Classes are $60 a month, and projects will vary.
Women's Sewing Workshop is for women of all levels of ability and interest who want help or assistance completeing projects of their choosing. It is meant as a fun fellowship time and all are welcome.

From: KiwiMagOnline
RE-usable Sandwich Wrapper
Tutorial Link HERE:
All supplies for opening class will be supplied:
If you have some special fabric in mind for this it will take 2  10 1/2 inch square pieces of fabric, where one is a vinyl, laminated cotton, oilcloth, or regular fabric with heat n bond vinyl applied.

Additionally: we will make one "cold" pack, one napkin(fork/spoon wrap) as time permits.

Upcoming projects:
American Girl Doll-t-shirt, skirt, and cape from recycled materials.
Materials list to be posted Thursday.
Girls Rain Poncho with sleeves:

Then--We will kick off a short series of quick gifts to make for holiday giving.
We are going to have SEW much fun!